Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What Inspires You to Create?

What inspires you to create?

Is it making what you want from an idea that has stewed in your mind for a long time?

Maybe it is something you saw online or in a store and you want to save some money?

Most of the time, I see something and I build upon that idea or maybe the product that I see maybe alright but not exactly what I had in mind...

Case in point: I wanted a chandelier for the nursery and the theme is rubber duckies. I searched and searched for a rubber ducky chandelier. The closest thing I could find was this item: Here

My problem with this chandelier is two-fold. First and most importantly, these "ducks" look like baby chicks to me! I have found a lot of the "rubber ducky" items are like that. No, No, No! I want the good ol' rubber squeaky looking ducky! The other issue I have with this chandelier is that it is close to $300!!! WOW! It is cute and all, but not $300 cute. I guess that is the cheap girl talking.

I brought this up to my husband and we got to talking about actually doing a chandelier ourselves with a rubber ducky. So, I got to searching for wooden rubber duckies or anything rubber ducky to fulfill our vision. Finally, we bumped ourselves on the forehead and thought, why not just use rubber duckies? My first thought: The rubber duckies are going to get hot and melt but the Hubs said he thought that it wouldn't be an issue.

We started the project by first going to the ReStore to get a very plain chandelier. A few choices were available and we went with the most plain one that we could find. The cost was $10.

So then, I started to search and search for the right rubber ducky. I know everyone can imagine it: a 3-4 inch tall rubber ducky, yellow, orange beak, black eyes... However, finding the right ducky was difficult. They were either, too big, too small, the wrong color, some sort of silly themed ducky, etc etc. I felt like I was in the story of the "The Three Little Bears". Plus, trying to find 5 of the same! GEEZ! After shopping at a dozen stores, I resorted to online rubber duckies. After the third order, we had success! A true Rubber Ducky found on ebay for $3 each. We purchased a few extra in case we messed up or a cat needed to be entertained.

The Hubs replaced the candelabras, purchased new candelabra sleeves and spray painted the chandelier white. Cost for parts: $40

The rubber duckies had a hole cut in the backs to slip on the candelabra (sorry ducky)

Here you can see it taking shape. We decided to use some old chandelier shades that we had picked up and recover them but decided in the end to spend the money to buy white shades. Cost for 5 chandelier shades: $30 for 5

Then, Hubs added a small chain and a small ceiling mount that was purchased from the ReStore since our chandelier was missing that part. Cost < $1

Daddy gets all the credit for making this happen. This chandelier is the most special feature of the nursery in my opinion and Daddy made it. It adds awesome light to the ceiling and the baby loves to look stare at.

In addition, it fulfilled our vision for a chandelier for the nursery at a 1/3 of the cost. However, later speaking about the time thinking, searching, and effort involved, we both agreed we would have bought this for $300 if it was out there!

On a funny note, as baby gifts we received lots of squeaky rubber duckies! Plus, I see them at Walmart now. GRRRRRRR


Chandelier: $10
Shades: $30
Rubber Duckies: $18
Parts $41
Additional Ducks $10

Total $109

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